Contextual Analysis – a Multiperspective Inquiry into Emergence of Complex Socio-cultural Systems

Peter Bednar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingPaper in conference proceedingpeer-review

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This paper explores the concept of organizations as complex human activity systems, through the perspectives of alternative systemic models. The impact of alternative models on perception of individual and organizational emergence is highlighted. Using information systems development as an example of management activity, individual and collective sense-making and learning processes are discussed. Their roles in relation to information systems concepts are examined. The main locus of the paper is on individual emergence in the context of organizational systems. A case is made for the importance of attending to individual uniqueness and contextual dependency when carrying out organizational analyses, e.g. information systems analysis. One particular method for contextual inquiry, the framework for Strategic Systemic Thinking, is then introduced, The framework supports stakeholders to own and control their own analyses. This approach provides a vehicle through which multiple levels of contextual dependencies can be explored and allows for individual emergence to develop.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProcesses Of Emergence Of Systems And Systemic Properties: Towards a General Theory of Emergence, Proceedings - WORLS279346
EditorsGianfranco Minati, Mario Abram, Eliano Pessa
PublisherWorld Scientific Publishing
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)978-981-279-346-1, 981-279-346-1
Publication statusPublished - 2009
EventAIRS2007: 4th National Conference of the Italian-Systems-Society - Castel Ivano, Italy
Duration: 2007 Oct 182007 Oct 20


ConferenceAIRS2007: 4th National Conference of the Italian-Systems-Society
CityCastel Ivano

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Information Systems, Social aspects

Free keywords

  • strategic systemic thinking
  • contextual dependency
  • contextual analysis
  • individual emergence


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