En moral för hela världen? : en analys av Hans Küngs Projekt Weltethos

Translated title of the contribution: One Ethos for One World? : An Analysis of Hans Küngs Projekt Weltethos

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (monograph)


This dissertation analyzes the work on universal morality by the Swiss theologian Hans Küng. According to Küng, a universal morality can be formed out of the world's religions that can reconcile ideological, cultural and religious differences. This morality can then form the basis for international policy and politics and guarantee that relations among states are peaceful.

Küng's project focuses on three relations: the relation between religions, the relation between religion and ethics and the relation between religion and politics.

Out of these three relations the three theses to be analyzed are formulated. The theses are my interpretations of the relations between religion, ethics and politics in Küng's work on universal morality.

The relation between religions is analyzed through the thesis:

- There are fundamental similarities between the religions and those similarities become visible when the religions self-critically relate themselves to the general ethical criteria humanum.

The relation between religion and ethics is analyzed through the thesis:

- Morality has its origin in religion and also its foundation in religion. Religion is also a necessary link between the theory and practice of morality.

The relation between religion and politics is analyzed through the thesis:

- Politics and international relations can rest on a universal morality that can guarantee world peace. This universal morality has its origin and foundation in the world's religions. Therefore, the world's religions can solve the security dilemma that arises since there is no recognized superior power in world politics.

In addition to the analysis of the three relations and the three theses, I also focus on Küng's relation to plurality. Küng's ambition to form a unified universal morality forces him to handle plurality in such a way that it does not create problems for the unity he is forming. My conclusion is that Küng's efforts to reconcile unity and plurality leads to an emphasis on unity that does not recognize the plurality within and between religions in our postmodern societies.
Translated title of the contributionOne Ethos for One World? : An Analysis of Hans Küngs Projekt Weltethos
Original languageSwedish
Awarding Institution
  • Centre for Theology and Religious Studies
  • Görman, Ulf, Supervisor
Award date2006 Sept 29
ISBN (Print)91-975249-3-X
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

Defence details

Date: 2006-09-29
Time: 13:15
Place: Edens Hörsal, Department of Political Science, Paradisgatan 5, Lund, Sweden

External reviewer(s)

Name: Christoffersen, Svein-Aage
Title: Professor
Affiliation: University of Oslo, Norway


Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Ethics

Free keywords

  • ethics
  • Systematic philosophy
  • Religion och teologi
  • Religious Studies and Theology
  • ?Cartesian anxiety?.
  • The Clash of Civilizations
  • International Relations
  • Thick and Thin
  • Liberals and Communitarians
  • Theology of Religions
  • Universal Morality
  • Global Ethics
  • Projekt Weltethos
  • Hans Küng
  • aesthetics
  • metaphysics
  • epistemology
  • ideology
  • Systematisk filosofi
  • etik
  • estetik
  • metafysik
  • kunskapsteori
  • ideologi


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