Energy Use in Multi-Family Dwellings during their Life Cycle

Karin Adalberth

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch


The aim of this study is to analyse the total use of energy in four multi-family houses during their life cycles, and to compare the use of energy during the different periods in the life cycle. The aim is also to investigate how energy use during the life cycle changes with different construction parts, e g if the thermal insulation thickness or the framework is changed.

Results show that the energy used to manufacture building and installation materials during the production phase is approx. 800-1,200 kWh m2 usable floor area. This corresponds to 10-15 per cent of the total energy use during the life cycle.

A majority of the energy is used during the period of occupancy for e g space heating, ventilation, domestic hot water production, household electricity and lighting. During this period 5,000-7,500 kWh/m2 usable floor area is used (the life span of the occupancy is assumed to be 50 years). The energy use during this period equals 80-85 per cent of the total use during the life cycle.

Results also show a small difference between buildings with different kinds of framework. The difference is very small. It is thus impossible to conclude that one framework is more energy- efficient than another. Instead, the best way to design an energy-efficient building would be to install a heat recovery system in the exhaust air and use windows with a low U value. These solutions may decrease the total energy use during the whole life cycle for one of the studied houses, by 13 and 6 per cent respectively.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherByggnadsfysik LTH, Lunds Tekniska Högskola
Number of pages120
ISBN (Print)91-88722-17-1
Publication statusPublished - 1999

Publication series

NameReport TVBH
ISSN (Print)0349-4950

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Building Technologies

Free keywords

  • elanvändning
  • energianvändning
  • uppvärmning
  • flerbostadshus
  • fastigheter
  • life cycle
  • energy needs
  • energy use
  • dwelling
  • multi-family house
  • building
  • livscykelanalys
  • livslängd
  • värmeisolering
  • fallstudier
  • Malmö
  • Helsingborg
  • Växjö
  • Stockholm
  • analys


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