Evangelical Germany

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review


"Protestantism" started to be used as a diversified concept of reform within churches pluralised in geography, limited to a certain territory, and often with a certain regional tradition. Theology played a main part in the Evangelical churches in Germany, moving the individuals. "The Kingdom of God" was used as a pious project by different revivalists and theologians of different colours.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPiety and Modernity (The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe 1780-1920)
EditorsAnders Jarlert
PublisherLeuven University Press
ISBN (Print)978 90 5867 932 1
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Publication series


Bibliographical note

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies (015017000)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Religious Studies

Free keywords

  • piety
  • modernity
  • reform
  • protestantism
  • evangelical
  • Kingdomm of God
  • liturgy
  • religious liberalism
  • revivalism
  • Erweckungsbewegung


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  • Piety and Modernity

    Jarlert, A. (Editor), 2012, Leuven University Press. 335 p. (The Dynamics of Religious Reform in Northern Europe 1780-1920; vol. 3)

    Research output: Book/ReportAnthology (editor)Research

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