Förändringar i utbredningsbilden hos Parmelia elegantula och Parmelia laciniatula i Skåne och Blekinge.

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    The Swedish localities for Parmelia eleganrula (Zahlbr.) Szat. and Parmelia laciniatula (Oliv.) Zahlbr.wers outlined in denil by Almborn (1948) in a work on the distribution and ecology of some south Scandinavian lichens. In the summer of 1987, I revisited Ahnborn's renumerated localities in Sklne and Blekinge. Several new localiries were also registrated. Both species, as prcsumed, turned out to be less corrmon roday. They had vanished from about half of the visited localides. The number of localities in
    Sklne and Blekinge are 27 for Parmelia elegantula and about 60 for Parmelia laciniatulc. In 1948 the equivalent numbers were 34 respecdvely about 110. In addidon both could Presumably be found at more, for epiphytic lichens suitable habitats. Parmelia laciniatula doesn't occur in Blekinge or in the nonheast parts of SkAne. However, it's obviously nor rare in the south and the middle parts of Skllne. Parmelia elegantulc musr be rcgarded as an endangercd species as a whole whithin irs distributional range in south
    Scandinavia. Both spccies occur on bark of deciduous trees, prefcrably Acer, Fraxinus and Ulmus. Earlier they were also common on Aesculus and Fagus, but now they are practicdly absent on these Eees.
    Another problem is rhe effecr of the reduced number of habin6, such as avenues. Parmelia elegantula as well as p. Iaciniatula prcfer rrecs in open places with supply on dust rich in nutriment. Climatic faciors, can
    also be delimiting for these mainly temperate species.
    Original languageSwedish
    Pages (from-to)156-160
    JournalGraphis Scripta
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 1989

    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Botany

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