Flow cytometric S-phase fraction in soft-tissue sarcoma: prognostic importance analysed in 160 patients

Pelle Gustafson, Mårten Fernö, Måns Åkerman, Bo Baldetorp, H Willen, Dick Killander, Anders Rydholm

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We could determine the S-phase fraction (SPF) by flow cytometric DNA analysis of paraffin archival material in 160 of 260 patients with soft-tissue sarcoma of extremity and trunk wall. The prognostic value of SPF was compared with other clinicopathological factors. The median follow-up time was 16 (6-31) years. In a univariate analysis, deep tumour location, increasing tumour size and histological malignancy grade, microscopic tumour necrosis, vascular invasion, DNA non-diploidy and high SPF (>3.0%) were associated with poor metastasis-free survival. In a multivariate analysis, microscopic tumour necrosis and high SPF were independently prognostic for metastasis. Used in combination with tumour size, microscopic tumour necrosis and vascular invasion, SPF could identify a group of patients with a 5-year metastasis-free survival rate of 0.97. This group constituted one-quarter of all patients. Patients with low SPF who did recur had a prolonged clinical course both as regards metastases and local recurrence. We conclude that SPF is a valuable adjunct in prognostication in soft-tissue sarcoma.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)94-100
JournalBritish Journal of Cancer
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1997

Bibliographical note

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Pathology, (Lund) (013030000), Department of Orthopaedics (Lund) (013028000), Oncology, MV (013035000)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Cancer and Oncology

Free keywords

  • Soft tissue
  • Sarcoma
  • S Phase
  • Flow cytometry
  • Cell cycle
  • DNA
  • Ploidy
  • Prognosis
  • Human
  • Malignant tumor


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