Functional analysis of the mouse J chain

Lena Erlandsson

    Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (compilation)


    We have in this study analyzed the function of the murine Joining chain (J chain) in vivo. J chain is a polypeptide found in sera and secretions in complex with pentameric IgM and dimeric IgA. J chain is expressed in terminally differentiated B lymphocytes and needed for the transport of dimeric IgA and pentameric IgM over mucosal surfaces via the poly Ig receptor. A mouse deficient for J chain was generated and it was shown that J chain in vivo seems to be necessary for efficient assembly and secretion of polymeric IgM. Secondly, in the absence of J chain, antigen-specific IgA immunity in the lamina propria of the mucosa cannot mediate protection on the mucosal surface of the intestinal lumen; thereby demonstrating in vivo a direct relationship between mucosal transport of secretory IgA and intestinal immune protection. A second mouse was generated where the Diphtheria toxin A gene was introduced into the J chain locus, thereby ablating J chain expressing cells. Evidence was found for the existence of two separate plasma cell populations distinguishable by the absence or the presence of J chain. The dogma that in mice the J chain is expressed in all plasma cells irrespective of isotype has been challenged.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • [unknown], [unknown], Supervisor, External person
    Award date1999 May 5
    ISBN (Print)91-628-3544-0
    Publication statusPublished - 1999

    Bibliographical note

    Defence details

    Date: 1999-05-05
    Time: 10:15
    Place: Sölvegatan 21, Lund

    External reviewer(s)

    Name: Sideras, Paschalis
    Title: Dr
    Affiliation: Umeå University, Sweden


    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Immunology in the medical area

    Free keywords

    • Immunology
    • diphtheria toxin A
    • plasma cell
    • mucosa
    • J chain
    • knock-out
    • serology
    • transplantation
    • Immunologi
    • serologi


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