Galectin-8 specificity to cells: from broad outside to fine inside

Susanne Nordenfelt

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (compilation)

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Glycobiology is the world of sugars: how they are made, what they look like, and what they do. Despite the importance of glycan structures in life, knowledge has been hampered due to their inherent complexity. Lectins are nature's way to decipher the intricate code held by glycans, which makes them important players in both normal and pathological physiology. A key to the understanding of lectins and their cellular effects lies in the basis of their carbohydrate specificity and the multivalent interactions occurring at a cell surface. Also in the design and synthesis of new drugs, either to be used as future tools in fruitful glycobiology experiments, or as effective therapeutics in the clinic, such information is very helpful.

This thesis is aimed at investigating the fine specificity of the two carbohydrate recognition domains of a human lectin, galectin-8, and to relate this fine specificity with cell surface binding and induced cellular effects. In short, our experiments charted the individual ligand preference displayed by the two domains, in addition to explaining how the striking monovalent affinity for sialylated ?-galactosides, shown by the N-terminal domain, was achieved. Further, we showed that although cell surface binding of intact galectin-8 didn?t require the sialic acid binding ability of the N-terminal domain, intracellular targeting following endocytosis did.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Division of Microbiology, Immunology and Glycobiology - MIG
  • Leffler, Hakon, Supervisor
Award date2007 May 26
ISBN (Print)978-91-85559-72-5
Publication statusPublished - 2007

Bibliographical note

Defence details

Date: 2007-05-26
Time: 09:00
Place: Rune Grubb lecture hall, Biomedical Center, Sölvegatan 23, Lund

External reviewer(s)

Name: Holgersson, Jan
Title: Docent
Affiliation: Karolinska Institutet, Huddinge, Sweden


<div class="article_info">Santosh Kumar Patnaik, Barry Potvin, Susanne Carlsson, David Sturm, Hakon Leffler and Pamela Stanley. <span class="article_issue_date">2006</span>. <span class="article_title">Complex N-glycans are the major ligands for galectin-1, -3, and -8 on Chinese hamster ovary cells</span> <span class="journal_series_title">Glycobiology</span>, <span class="journal_volume">vol 16</span> <span class="journal_pages">pp 305-317</span>. <span class="journal_distributor">Oxford Journals</span></div>
<div class="article_info">Susanne Carlsson, Christopher T Öberg, Michael C Carlsson, Anders Sundin, Ulf J Nilsson, David Smith, Richard D Cummings, Jenny Almkvist, Anna Karlsson and Hakon Leffler. <span class="article_issue_date">2007</span>. <span class="article_title">Affinity of galectin-8 and its carbohydrate recognition domains for ligands in solution and at the cell surface</span> <span class="journal_series_title">Glycobiology</span>, <span class="journal_distributor">Oxford Journals</span> (inpress)</div>
<div class="article_info">Susanne Carlsson, Michael C Carlsson and Hakon Leffler. <span class="article_issue_date">2007</span>. <span class="article_title">Intracellular sorting of galectin-8 based on fine specificity</span> <span class="journal_series_title">Glycobiology</span>, <span class="journal_distributor">Oxford Journals</span> (submitted)</div>

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Immunology in the medical area
  • Microbiology in the medical area

Free keywords

  • Biomedical sciences
  • Biomedicinska vetenskaper
  • Intracellular targeting
  • Sialic acid
  • Galectin fine specificity


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