title = "Hope Wanted: Wall Writing Protests in Times of Economic Crisis in Athens",
abstract = "This paper discusses the urban writing on Athenian walls as an imaginative medium of intercommunication occurring during the socioeconomic and political crisis era in Greece, over the last seven years. The street art activity on the city{\textquoteright}s walls as a linguistic and imagery phenomenon could be approached as the main symbolic mode of public expression generated by the crisis. To investigate it fieldwork research was conducted in central Athens from January to July 2015. Three research methods were applied: participant observation into two graffiti crews, consequent photo documentation of wall writings, and eight semi-structured interviews with street artists. The research findings disclose the metamorphosis of public walls into an interactive public notebook as an attestation of the processes in the Athenian multimodal urban landscape.",
keywords = "street slogans, political graffiti, Athens, crisis, semiotics, multimodality",
author = "Georgios Stampoulidis",
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year = "2016",
language = "English",
publisher = "LUP",
school = "Division of Greek Studies, Latin, Modern Greek, and Spanish Studies",