Improved measurement of double helicity asymmetry in inclulsive midrapidity pi(0) production for polarized p+p collisions at root s=200 GeV

SS Adler, S Afanasiev, C Aidala, NN Ajitanand, Y Akiba, A Al-Jamel, J Alexander, K Aoki, L Aphecetche, R Armendariz, SH Aronson, R Averbeck, TC Awes, B Azmoun, V Babintsev, A Baldisseri, KN Barish, PD Barnes, B Bassalleck, S BatheS Batsouli, V Baublis, F Bauer, A Bazilevsky, S Belikov, R Bennett, Y Berdnikov, MT Bjorndal, JG Boissevain, H Borel, K Boyle, ML Brooks, DS Brown, N Bruner, D Bucher, H Buesching, V Bumazhnov, G Bunce, JM Burward-Hoy, S Butsyk, X Camard, S Campbell, JS Chai, P Chand, WC Chang, S Chernichenko, CY Chi, J Chiba, M Chiu, IJ Choi, RK Choudhury, T Chujo, V Cianciolo, CR Cleven, Y Cobigo, BA Cole, MP Comets, P Constantin, M Csanad, T Csorgo, JP Cussonneau, D d'Enterria, T Dahms, K Das, G David, F Deak, H Delagrange, A Denisov, A Deshpande, EJ Desmond, A Devismes, O Dietzsch, A Dion, JL Drachenberg, O Drapier, A Drees, AK Dubey, A Durum, D Dutta, V Dzhordzhadze, YV Efremenko, J Egdemir, A Enokizono, H En'yo, B Espagnon, S Esumi, DE Fields, C Finck, F Fleuret, SL Fokin, B Forestier, BD Fox, Z Fraenkel, JE Frantz, A Franz, AD Frawley, Y Fukao, SY Fung, S Gadrat, F Gastineau, M Germain, A Glenn, M Gonin, J Gosset, Y Goto, RG de Cassagnac, N Grau, SV Greene, MG Perdekamp, T Gunji, Hans-Åke Gustafsson, T Hachiya, AH Henni, JS Haggerty, MN Hagiwara, H Hamagaki, AG Hansen, H Harada, EP Hartouni, K Haruna, M Harvey, Eva Haslum, K Hasuko, R Hayano, X He, M Heffner, TK Hemmick, JM Heuser, P Hidas, H Hiejima, JC Hill, R Hobbs, M Holmes, W Holzmann, K Homma, B Hong, A Hoover, T Horaguchi, MG Hur, T Ichihara, VV Ikonnikov, K Imai, M Inaba, M Inuzuka, D Isenhower, L Isenhower, M Ishihara, T Isobe, M Issah, A Isupov, BV Jacak, J Jia, J Jin, O Jinnouchi, BM Johnson, SC Johnson, KS Joo, D Jouan, F Kajihara, S Kametani, N Kamihara, M Kaneta, JH Kang, K Katou, T Kawabata, T Kawagishi, AV Kazantsev, S Kelly, B Khachaturov, A Khanzadeev, J Kikuchi, DJ Kim, E Kim, GB Kim, HJ Kim, YS Kim, E Kinney, A Kiss, E Kistenev, A Kiyomichi, C Klein-Boesing, H Kobayashi, L Kochenda, V Kochetkov, R Kohara, B Komkov, M Konno, D Kotchetkov, A Kozlov, PJ Kroon, CH Kuberg, GJ Kunde, N Kurihara, K Kurita, MJ Kweon, Y Kwon, GS Kyle, R Lacey, JG Lajoie, Y Le Bornec, A Lebedev, S Leckey, DM Lee, MK Lee, MJ Leitch, MAL Leite, XH Li, H Lim, A Litvinenko, MX Liu, CF Maguire, YI Makdisi, A Malakhov, MD Malik, VI Manko, Y Mao, G Martinez, H Masui, F Matathias, T Matsumoto, MC McCain, PL McGaughey, Y Miake, TE Miller, A Milov, S Mioduszewski, GC Mishra, JT Mitchell, AK Mohanty, DP Morrison, JM Moss, TV Moukhanova, D Mukhopadhyay, M Muniruzzaman, J Murata, S Nagamiya, Y Nagata, JL Nagle, M Naglis, T Nakamura, J Newby, M Nguyen, BE Norman, AS Nyanin, Joakim Nystrand, E O'Brien, CA Ogilvie, H Ohnishi, ID Ojha, H Okada, K Okada, OO Omiwade, Anders Oskarsson, Ingvar Otterlund, K Oyama, K Ozawa, D Pal, APT Palounek, V Pantuev, V Papavassiliou, J Park, WJ Park, SF Pate, H Pei, V Penev, JC Peng, H Pereira, V Peresedov, DY Peressounko, A Pierson, C Pinkenburg, RP Pisani, ML Purschke, AK Purwar, H Qu, JM Qualls, J Rak, I Ravinovich, KF Read, M Reuter, K Reygers, V Riabov, Y Riabov, G Roche, A Romana, M Rosati, Sarah Rosendahl, P Rosnet, P Rukoyatkin, VL Rykov, SS Ryu, B Sahlmueller, N Saito, T Sakaguchi, S Sakai, V Samsonov, L Sanfratello, R Santo, HD Sato, S Sato, S Sawada, Y Schutz, V Semenov, R Seto, D Sharma, TK Shea, I Shein, TA Shibata, K Shigaki, M Shimomura, T Shohjoh, K Shoji, A Sickles, CL Silva, D Silvermyr, KS Sim, CP Singh, V Singh, S Skutnik, WC Smith, A Soldatov, RA Soltz, WE Sondheim, IV Sourikova, F Staley, PW Stankus, Evert Stenlund, M Stepanov, A Ster, SP Stoll, T Sugitate, C Suire, JP Sullivan, J Sziklai, T Tabaru, S Takagi, EM Takagui, A Taketani, KH Tanaka, Y Tanaka, K Tanida, MJ Tannenbaum, A Taranenko, P Tarjan, TL Thomas, M Togawa, J Tojo, H Torii, RS Towell, VN Tram, I Tserruya, Y Tsuchimoto, SK Tuli, Henrik Tydesjö, N Tyurin, TJ Uam, H Valle, HW van Hecke, J Velkovska, M Velkovsky, R Vertesi, V Veszpremi, AA Vinogradov, MA Volkov, E Vznuzdaev, M Wagner, XR Wang, Y Watanabe, J Wessels, SN White, N Willis, D Winter, FK Wohn, CL Woody, M Wysocki, W Xie, A Yanovich, S Yokkaichi, GR Young, I Younus, IE Yushmanov, WA Zajc, O Zaudtke, C Zhang, S Zhou, J Zimanyi, L Zolin, X Zong

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We present an improved measurement of the double helicity asymmetry for pi(0) production in polarized proton-proton scattering at root s=200 GeV employing the PHENIX detector at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The improvements to our previous measurement come from two main factors: Inclusion of a new data set from the 2004 RHIC run with higher beam polarizations than the earlier run and a recalibration of the beam polarization measurements for the earlier run, which resulted in reduced uncertainties and increased beam polarizations. The results are compared to a Next to Leading Order (NLO) perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (pQCD) calculation with a range of polarized gluon distributions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number091102
JournalPhysical Review D (Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology)
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - 2006

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Subatomic Physics


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