Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education: Proceedings from Lund University's Teaching and Learning Conference 2019

Research output: Book/ReportAnthology (editor)Researchpeer-review

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This is the proceedings volume from the 7th biannual Teaching and Learning Conference at Lund University. The conference theme, Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education, is very timely as we see a steady increase, not only in interdisciplinary research and full teaching programmes, but also in new interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses and components in more traditional disciplinary education at Lund University. The conference highlighted some of the many challenges and opportunities of interdisciplinary education where educators meet students with different disciplinary, cultural and geographical profiles. In this volume, the authors share the thoughts, experiences and learning they presented at the conference.

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Educational Sciences

Free keywords

  • interdisciplinary education
  • Higher education
  • interdisciplinary pedagogy
  • teaching and learning
  • Scholarship of teaching and learning
  • SoTL


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