Jungfru Maria i Dalby kyrka

Research output: Contribution to specialist publication or newspaperSpecialist publication articlePopular science


Brief description and interpretation of an image of the Blessed Virgin Mary from 1520, originally found in the church of Dalby (now in the Museum of History, Lund University).
Original languageSwedish
No.Vintern 2010–2011 [2010:4]
Specialist publicationEginobladet
PublisherDalby församling
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Centre for Theology and Religious Studies (015017000)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Philosophy, Ethics and Religion

Free keywords

  • 1520
  • Blessed Virgin Mary
  • wooden sculpture
  • Dalby

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