Jupiters månar: Månar och mindre himlakroppar

Translated title of the contribution: Jovian Moons: Moons Beyond Counting

Anna Arnadottir, Edward Bloomer, Emil Cronemyr (Actor), Brad Bowers, Martin Gustavsson

Research output: Non-textual formCurated/produced exhibition/event


As we look up at night we see that our Earth has one moon orbiting it, the one we call the Moon. We have explored our moon with orbiters, rovers and astronauts, mapping it and studying its history.
Other planets also have moons in orbit around them and these may look quite different from the Earth's moon. Some are small and look like asteroids, others are so icy they would become comets if they plunged on an elliptical orbit towards the inner solar system.

This full dome planetarium production; "Jovian Moons" is a part of a series titled "Moons Beyond Counting". In this installment we look closer at the four moons observed orbiting Jupiter by Galileo Galilei over 400 years ago.
Translated title of the contributionJovian Moons: Moons Beyond Counting
Original languageSwedish
Media of outputMultimedia
Size5 minuter
Publication statusPublished - 2019 Jul 16
EventLund University Planetarium - John Ericssons väg 1, Lund, Sweden
Duration: 1978 Apr 18 → …

Bibliographical note

Planetarium show series "Moons Beyond Counting" was produced in close collaboration with Royal Observatory Greenwich, London.

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology

Artistic work

  • Digital or Visual Product
  • Exhibition/event
  • Performance

Free keywords

  • Planetarium
  • Planetarium show


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    Translated title of the contribution: Man on the Moon: Moons Beyond CountingArnadottir, A., Bloomer, E., Cronemyr, E. (Actor), Bowers, B. (Actor) & Gustavsson, M., 2019 Jul 16

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    Research output: Non-textual formCurated/produced exhibition/event

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