Konspirationsteorier lever 20 år efter 9/11: » Det latterlige kan også være farligt, hvis man ikke tager det alvorligt «

Translated title of the contribution: 20 years after 9/11 the conspiracy theorists are still with us -- the ridiculous can also be dangerous

Research output: Contribution to specialist publication or newspaperNewspaper article

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Kronik/op-ed essay on developments among the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, '011 truth movement or 'truthers', and why they should be taken seriously even if they are totally wrong.
Translated title of the contribution20 years after 9/11 the conspiracy theorists are still with us -- the ridiculous can also be dangerous
Original languageDanish
Number of pages4
No.September 10, 2001
Specialist publicationBerlingske
Publication statusPublished - 2021 Sept 10

Bibliographical note

Draft submitted copy. Published as kronik in Berlingske Tidende (copenhagen), 10.9.2021. Submitted copy slightly revised in published version, which may be restricted due to newspaper pay wall. "Konspirationsteorier 20 år efter 9/11 .. det latterlige kan også være farlige'

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Other Social Sciences

Free keywords

  • Social Anthropology
  • conspiracy theories
  • 9/11 Truth movement

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