LaSeTe2 - Temperature Dependent Structure Investigation and Electron Holography on a Charge-Density-Wave-Hosting Compound

Thomas Doert, Boniface Polequin Tsinde Fokwa, Paul Simon, Sven Lidin, Tilo Söhnel

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Single crystals of LaSeTe2 have been prepared by reaction of the elements in a LiCl/RbCl flux at 970 K for seven days. Satellite reflections observed in diffraction experiments indicate the presence of an incommensurate lattice distortion, which is of the charge-density-wave (CDW) type. The modulated structure has been solved from X-ray data at 173, 293, and 373 K. LaSeTe2 crystallizes in the 3+1-dimensional orthorhombic superspace group Cmcm(00γ)s00 (No. 63.2) with lattice parameters of a = 4.295(1), b = 25.371(4), c = 4.306(1) Å (173K), a = 4.297(1), b = 25.408(4), c = 4.309(1) Å (293 K), and a = 4.309(1), b = 25.481(6), c = 4,321(1) Å (373 K). The modulation vector q = (0, 0, 0.288) does not change over the temperature interval. Electron holographic investigations confirm the existence of the modulation and help to visualize the charge-density wave.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5865-5872
Number of pages8
JournalChemistry - A European Journal
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 2003 Dec 5
Externally publishedYes

Free keywords

  • Charge-density wave
  • Electron holography
  • Lanthanides
  • Polychalcogenides
  • Solid-state structure


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