Local Polynomial Regression with Application on Lidar Measurements

Torgny Lindström

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (compilation)


This thesis deals with the problem of estimating a function or one of its derivatives from a set of measurements, mainly of a bivariate or spatial nature which is so common in environmental applications. In this work particular attention has been on the lidar (light detection and ranging) application which is a versatile technique for measurement of among other things atmospheric trace gases. In lidar measurements the information about the concentration is carried by the derivative of the mean-function.

The exclusive tool that is used for estimation of a function or its derivatives in this thesis is local polynomial regression. However, other nonparametric techniques might be possible to use and some of the results presented here are indeed of a more general nature. The thesis consists of four papers of which the first and the last are applied to lidar measurements. The other two papers are methodology based with the intention to contribute to and also improve the statistical evaluation of the lidar process.

In the first paper, Paper A, lidar measurements are considered by adopting a univariate model with a non-constant variance-function. Evaluation is based on local polynomial regression with automatically selected local bandwidths, both for the derivatives of the mean-function and for the variance-function. Paper B presents a method for estimation of spatial covariance fields. Estimation is based on nonparametric techniques and considers covariances as functions of the location with fixed displacements. Paper C considers the problem of selecting local bandwidth matrices for bivariate local polynomial regression. In this paper an automatic bandwidth selector, EBBS<sub>dep</sub>, is developed which allows for correlated errors. Also, a set of MATLAB files for bivariate local polynomial regression based on EBBS<sub>dep</sub>-selected bandwidth matrices is developed. Finally, in Paper D the method in Paper C is used to construct estimates of 2-D concentration maps of atomic mercury from fields of lidar measurements.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Mathematical Statistics
  • [unknown], [unknown], Supervisor, External person
Award date2004 Sept 24
ISBN (Print)91-628-6194-8
Publication statusPublished - 2004

Bibliographical note

Defence details

Date: 2004-09-24
Time: 10:15
Place: Matematikcentrum, Sölvegatan 18, sal MH:C, Lunds Tekniska Högskola.

External reviewer(s)

Name: Opsomer, Jean
Title: Professor
Affiliation: USA


Article: T. Lindström, U. Holst, P. Weibring and H. Edner (2002). Analysis of Lidar Measurements using Nonparametric Kernel Regression Methods.Applied Physics B, 74(2):155--165.

Article: T. Lindström (2003). A Nonparametric Spatial Covariance Estimator.Technical Report, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Statistics, 2003:02. Revised version.

Article: T. Lindström (2004). Empirical-Bias Bandwidths for Spatial Local Polynomial Regression with Correlated Errors.Submitted to Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.

Article: T. Lindström, U. Holst and P. Weibring (2004). Analysis of Lidar Fields using Local Polynomial Regression.Submitted to Environmetrics.

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Probability Theory and Statistics

Free keywords

  • Mathematics
  • Matematik
  • differential equations
  • Funktioner
  • differentialekvationer
  • variance-function estimation.
  • spatial dependence
  • nonparametric
  • local polynomial regression
  • local bandwidth selection
  • lidar
  • heteroscedasticity
  • Bivariate estimation
  • differential absorption
  • Functions


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