title = "Lumbar Disc Herniation and Central Lumbar Spinal Stenosis - Outcomes after surgery",
keywords = "Lumbar disc herniation, Central lumbar spinal stenosis, PROMs, obesity, Surgery",
author = "Niyaz Hareni",
note = "Defence details Date: 2023-04-28 Time: 09:00 Place: Samlingssalen, Hallands Sjukhus Varberg, Tr{\"a}sl{\"o}vsv{\"a}gen 68 i Varberg. Join by Teams: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_OWE1NDNhNDAtZGQ2ZC00MWZmLWIwZjMtZWVkNzE4NTU3NGMz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2222f085be-b523-4eaa-9a27-42f6cb11e0e6%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%2268c977d2-1bd0-42bc-b4d8-3865dec2d822%22%7d External reviewer(s) Name: Gerdhem, Paul Title: MD, PhD. Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor Affiliation: Department of Surgical Sciences, Orthopedics and Hand Surgery; RedCap Orthopaedics, Uppsala University Hospital",
year = "2023",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-91-8021-388-2",
series = "Lund University, Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series",
publisher = "Lund University, Faculty of Medicine",
number = "2023:48",
type = "Doctoral Thesis (compilation)",
school = "Department of Clinical Sciences, Malm{\"o}",