MatJohaDH/citadel: v1.0.0

Research output: Other contributionMiscellaneousResearch


The accompanying code is the backend of a toponym disambiguation tool
developed and employed for the purpose of the following article:

It has been assembled by a range of open-source tools, so anyone interested
can simply clone this repository and apply it to their own needs.
If you do, we kindly ask that you cite the abovementioned article/paper and
this repository.

In tandem with this backen we have also constructed a graphical user interface
through the [AnvilWorks](https://Anvil.Works) application framework.
Original languageEnglish
Short descriptionBackend of a toponym disambiguation tool and a graphical user interface.
Publication statusPublished - 2022 Dec 16

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Media Studies


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