Maximally restrictive leptonic texture zeros in two-Higgs-doublet models

R. González Felipe, H. Serôdio

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The implementation of maximally restrictive texture zeros in the leptonic sector is investigated in the context of two-Higgs-doublet models with Majorana neutrinos. After analyzing all maximally restrictive pairs of leptonic mass matrices with zero entries, we conclude that there are only four texture combinations that are compatible with observations at 3σ confidence level and can be implemented through Abelian symmetries in a two-Higgs-doublet model. The compatibility of these textures with current constraints on lepton-flavor-violating processes is also studied. The ultraviolet completion of these models is discussed in the framework of the seesaw mechanism for neutrino masses.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number065002
    JournalJournal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2017 Apr 19

    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Subatomic Physics

    Free keywords

    • flavour symmetries
    • neutrino phenomenology
    • two-Higgs-doublet model


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