Maxwell consideration of polaritonic quasi-particle Hamiltonians in multi-level systems

Steffen Richter, Tom Michalsky, Lennart Fricke, Chris Sturm, Helena Franke, Marius Grundmann, Rüdiger Schmidt-Grund

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We address the problem of the correct description of light-matter coupling for excitons and cavity photons in the case of systems with multiple photon modes or excitons, respectively. In the literature, two different approaches for the phenomenological coupling Hamiltonian can be found: Either one single Hamiltonian with a basis whose dimension equals the sum of photonic modes and excitonic resonances is used. Or a set of independent Hamiltonians, one for each photon mode, is chosen. Both are usually used equivalently for the same kind of multi-photonic systems which cannot be correct. However, identifying the suitable Hamiltonian is difficult when modeling experimental data. By means of numerical transfer matrix calculations, we demonstrate the scope of application of each approach: The first one holds only for the coupling of a single photon state to several excitons, while in the case of multiple photon modes, separate Hamiltonians must be used for each photon mode.

Original languageEnglish
Article number231104
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number23
Publication statusPublished - 2015 Dec 7
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

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© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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