Measurement of beauty photoproduction near threshold using di-electron events with the H1 detector at HERA

F. D. Aaron, C. Alexa, V. Andreev, S. Backovic, A. Baghdasaryan, S. Baghdasaryan, E. Barrelet, W. Bartel, K. Begzsuren, A. Belousov, P. Belov, J. C. Bizot, V. Boudry, I. Bozovic-Jelisavcic, J. Bracinik, G. Brandt, M. Brinkmann, V. Brisson, D. Britzger, D. BrunckoA. Bunyatyan, A. Bylinkin, L. Bystritskaya, A. J. Campbell, K. B. Cantun Avila, F. Ceccopieri, K. Cerny, V. Cerny, V. Chekelian, J. G. Contreras, J. A. Coughlan, J. Cvach, J. B. Dainton, K. Daum, B. Delcourt, J. Delvax, E. A. DeWolf, C. Diaconu, M. Dobre, V. Dodonov, A. Dossanov, A. Dubak, G. Eckerlin, S. Egli, A. Eliseev, E. Elsen, L. Favart, A. Fedotov, R. Felst, J. Feltesse, J. Ferencei, D. -J. Fischer, M. Fleischer, A. Fomenko, E. Gabathuler, J. Gayler, S. Ghazaryan, A. Glazov, L. Goerlich, N. Gogitidze, M. Gouzevitch, C. Grab, A. Grebenyuk, T. Greenshaw, G. Grindhammer, S. Habib, D. Haidt, R. C. W. Henderson, E. Hennekemper, H. Henschel, M. Herbst, G. Herrera, M. Hildebrandt, K. H. Hiller, D. Hoffmann, R. Horisberger, T. Hreus, F. Huber, M. Jacquet, X. Janssen, Leif Jönsson, A. W. Jung, H. Jung, M. Kapichine, I. R. Kenyon, C. Kiesling, M. Klein, C. Kleinwort, R. Kogler, P. Kostka, M. Kraemer, J. Kretzschmar, K. Krueger, M. P. J. Landon, W. Lange, G. Lastovicka-Medin, P. Laycock, A. Lebedev, V. Lendermann, S. Levonian, K. Lipka, B. List, J. List, B. Lobodzinski, R. Lopez-Fernandez, V. Lubimov, E. Malinovski, H. -U. Martyn, S. J. Maxfield, A. Mehta, A. B. Meyer, H. Meyer, J. Meyer, S. Mikocki, I. Milcewicz-Mika, F. Moreau, A. Morozov, J. V. Morris, K. Mueller, Th. Naumann, P. R. Newman, C. Niebuhr, D. Nikitin, G. Nowak, K. Nowak, B. Olivier, J. E. Olsson, D. Ozerov, P. Pahl, V. Palichik, M. Pandurovic, C. Pascaud, G. D. Patel, E. Perez, A. Petrukhin, I. Picuric, H. Pirumov, D. Pitzl, R. Placakyte, B. Pokorny, R. Polifka, B. Povh, V. Radescu, N. Raicevic, T. Ravdandorj, P. Reimer, E. Rizvi, P. Robmann, R. Roosen, A. Rostovtsev, M. Rotaru, J. E. Ruiz Tabasco, S. Rusakov, D. Salek, D. P. C. Sankey, M. Sauter, E. Sauvan, S. Schmitt, L. Schoeffel, A. Schoening, H. -C. Schultz-Coulon, F. Sefkow, L. N. Shtarkov, S. Shushkevich, T. Sloan, Y. Soloviev, P. Sopicki, D. South, V. Spaskov, A. Specka, Z. Staykova, M. Steder, B. Stella, G. Stoicea, U. Straumann, T. Sykora, P. D. Thompson, T. H. Tran, D. Traynor, P. Truoel, I. Tsakov, B. Tseepeldorj, J. Turnau, A. Valkarova, C. Vallee, P. Van Mechelen, Y. Vazdik, D. Wegener, E. Wuensch, J. Zacek, J. Zalesak, Z. Zhang, A. Zhokin, R. Zlebcik, H. Zohrabyan, F. Zomer

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The cross section for ep -> eb (b) over barX in photoproduction is measured with the H1 detector at the ep-collider HERA. The decay channel b (b) over bar -> eeX' is selected by identifying the semi-electronic decays of the b-quarks. The total production cross section is measured in the kinematic range given by the photon virtuality Q(2) <= 1 GeV2, the inelasticity 0.05 <= y <= 0.65 and the pseudorapidity of the b-quarks vertical bar eta(b)vertical bar, vertical bar eta((b) over bar)vertical bar <= 2. The differential production cross section is measured as a function of the average transverse momentum of the beauty quarks < P-T(b)> down to the threshold. The results are compared to next-to-leading-order QCD predictions.
Original languageEnglish
Article number2148
JournalEuropean Physical Journal C. Particles and Fields
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2012

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Subatomic Physics


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