Measurement of jet radial profiles in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV

S Acharya, Jonatan Adolfsson, Peter Christiansen, Adrian Nassirpour, Anders Oskarsson, Tuva Richert, Omar Vazquez Rueda, David Silvermyr, Evert Stenlund, N Zurlo, ALICE Collaboration

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The jet radial structure and particle transverse momentum (pT) composition within jets are presented in centrality-selected Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV. Track-based jets, which are also called charged jets, were reconstructed with a resolution parameter of R=0.3 at midrapidity |ηch jet|<0.6 for transverse momenta pT,ch jet=30–120 GeV/c. Jet–hadron correlations in relative azimuth and pseudorapidity space (Δφ,Δη) are measured to study the distribution of the associated particles around the jet axis for different pT,assoc-ranges between 1 and 20 GeV/c. The data in Pb–Pb collisions are compared to reference distributions for pp collisions, obtained using embedded PYTHIA simulations. The number of high-pT associate particles (4<pT,assoc<20 GeV/c) in Pb–Pb collisions is found to be suppressed compared to the reference by 30 to 10%, depending on centrality. The radial particle distribution relative to the jet axis shows a moderate modification in Pb–Pb collisions with respect to PYTHIA. High-pT associate particles are slightly more collimated in Pb–Pb collisions compared to the reference, while low-pT associate particles tend to be broadened. The results, which are presented for the first time down to pT,ch jet=30 GeV/c in Pb–Pb collisions, are compatible with both previous jet–hadron-related measurements from the CMS Collaboration and jet shape measurements from the ALICE Collaboration at higher pT, and add further support for the established picture of in-medium parton energy loss. © 2019 The Author(s)
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)204-219
Number of pages16
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Subatomic Physics


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