title = "Measurements of knee rotation in vivo - Development and evaluation of an external device",
abstract = "The overall aim of this work was to evaluate a newly developed measurement device, the Rottometer, for measuring knee rotation in different flexion angles with different applied torques, in order to establish the normal range of healthy knee rotation reference values and to study possible differences due to age and gender, as well as possible differences between patients with habitual dislocating patella (HDP) and healthy controls. The validity of the Rottometer was evaluated by simultaneous registrations with roentgen stereometric analysis (RSA) (paper I). The two methods showed high correlations concerning the total knee rotation at 90° and 60° of knee flexion angles with 3, 6 and 9 Nm applied torques. The Rottometer was also concluded to be a reliable measurement device concerning the one-week-apart and within day intra-tester as well as the inter-tester reliability at 90°, 60° and 30° with 6 and 9 Nm as well as the examiner{\textquoteright}s apprehension of end-feel (paper II). In total, 120 knee healthy subjects (60 females and 60 males) equally distributed in four different age groups (15-30, 31-45, 46-60 and ≥ 61 years) were examined at 90°, 60° and 30° of knee flexion angles with 6 and 9 Nm applied torques as well as the examiner{\textquoteright}s apprehension of end-feel (paper III). No differences were found concerning the different flexion angles, between the left and right knee or between the different age groups within the genders. However, the females showed a 10-20 % larger range of knee rotation than the males at all different flexion angles and applied torques. The knee rotation was also examined in 20 patients (15 females and 5 males) with HDP (paper IV). No differences were found between the affected and unaffected knees within the subjects. In accordance with the healthy reference population, the female subjects showed a 10-20 % significantly larger range of rotation than the male subjects in the HDP group, and no differences were found between the patients affected with HDP and age matched healthy controls.",
keywords = "Knee, rotation, measurement, evaluation, gender, age, dislocating patella",
author = "Almquist, {Per Otto}",
note = "Defence details Date: 2012-10-26 Time: 09:00 Place: Health Sciences Centre, H{\"o}rsal 01 External reviewer(s) Name: Kvist, Joanna Title: docent Affiliation: Inst f{\"o}r medicin och h{\"a}lsa, avd f{\"o}r sjukgymnastik, Link{\"o}pings Universitet --- The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015. The record was previously connected to the following departments: Division of Physiotherapy (Closed 2012) (013042000)",
year = "2012",
language = "English",
isbn = "978-91-87189-17-3",
series = "Lund University Faculty of Medicine Doctoral Dissertation Series ",
publisher = "Department of Health Sciences, Lund University",
type = "Doctoral Thesis (compilation)",
school = "Human Movement: health and rehabilitation",