Medierande verktyg i körledarpraktik – en studie av arbetssätt och handling i körledning med barn och unga.

Pia Bygdéus

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (monograph)

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Title: Mediating tools in the practice of choir directors – a study of working approaches and actions
in choral conducting with children and youth.

Abstract: In Sweden, approximately 5 % of the population sing in a choir or a singing group which means that about 500 000 people plus a number of choral conductors regularly meet in choir related practices.
The aim of the present study is to describe, verbalize and make visible the mediating tools used by choir directors working with children and youth. The study is qualitative in character: four choir directors were observed closely while working with their children and youth choirs. They also took part in semi-structured interviews. The empirical data material consists of observation notes, reflective writing, individual interviews, focus conversations, videotapes and stimulated recall interviews.
The results demonstrate that the role of the choir director is complex. When working with a choir, choir directors often use several aspects of their professional role. Analysed from a sociocultural perspective, the result points at eight categories of working approaches: (a) A listening attitude towards the choir, with the music in focus; (b) a variation in ways of working with the choir; (c) the use of musical routines; (d) the choir director acting as a role model in shaping musical expression with the group; (e) a concentrated cooperation with the choir through short and expressive commands and instructions; (f) reflection in practice by planning and self-evaluation; (g) storytelling, which results in memory training, stimulation of the imagination and the sharing of common experience, and (h) the use of target images expressed as visions, goals or jointly stated, communicated targets. These categories are generated through the analysis of the choir directors’ actions and activities in their work with the choirs. This is situated in choir singing as a social and cultural practice. The participants display great individual variation in their choices of strategies for communication and in their decision-making when working with children’s and youth choirs. A large variety of cultural and mediating tools are used. The working approaches and mediating tools become available in a social, situated and cultural practice.
In conclusion, choral conducting with children and youth involves a great variety of negotiations and renegotiations of working approaches and mediating tools.
Original languageSwedish
Awarding Institution
  • Malmö Academy of Music
  • Folkestad, Göran, Supervisor
  • Johansson, Karin, Supervisor
Award date2015 Dec 9
ISBN (Print)978-91-982297-2-1
Publication statusPublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

Defence details

Date: 2015-12-09
Time: 10:00
Place: Malmö Academy of Music, Ystadvägen 25, 214 45, Malmö

External reviewer(s)

Name: Haugland Balsnes, Anne
Title: Associated Professor
Affiliation: Ansgar Høgskole, Norway


Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Music

Free keywords

  • choir leadership
  • choral education
  • choral conducting
  • mediating tools
  • working approaches
  • sociocultural perspective

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