Methods to Generate Size- and Composition Controlled Aerosol Nanoparticles

Martin Karlsson

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (compilation)

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This thesis describes experiments performed using different methods to produce aerosol nanoparticles with control over size and composition. The process included differential mobility analyzers (DMAs) as size-selecting instruments and tube furnaces for particle synthesis.

A method to estimate the degradation of the DMA performance from the ideal case for individual DMAs was proposed and tested experimentally. Using this method, the size dependence of the DMA performance was predicted from measurements at a single particle size.

Size- and composition controlled binary alloy aerosol nanoparticles were generated. Core particles were formed by the evaporation/condensation method, and alloy particles were created by the subsequent condensation of another material. The Au-Ga system was used as a test system.

Generation processes were investigated by studying deposition patterns inside a horizontal evaporation/condensation nanoparticle generator. Comparison to estimates calculated from a one-dimensional monodisperse aerosol formation model indicates the presence of non-uniform flow inside the generator.

Aerosol nanoparticles were created from the vapor emanating from the thermal decomposition of iron pentacarbonyl. The size, morphology, composition and structure of the generated iron-containing particles were investigated.

The sintering behavior of agglomerated aerosol nanoparticles was investigated. When comparing the relative compaction temperature for different nanoparticles produced in different laboratories deviations in the sintering behavior were found. These could be associated to the different particle compositions.

Individual nanoparticles were generated from monodisperse colloidal suspensions by the use of an electrospray method. Deposition of single particles could be achieved and controlled by deposition time and dilution ratio. The method was found to be independent of particle material.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Solid State Physics
  • [unknown], [unknown], Supervisor, External person
Award date2004 May 14
ISBN (Print)91-628-6034-8
Publication statusPublished - 2004

Bibliographical note

Defence details

Date: 2004-05-14
Time: 13:15
Place: Department of Physics, Lecture Hall B, Sölvegatan 14, Lund Institute of Technology

External reviewer(s)

Name: Boman, Mats
Title: Professor
Affiliation: Uppsala University, Sweden


Article: Methodology to estimate the transfer function of individual differential mobility analyzers, Bengt G. Martinsson, Martin N.A. Karlsson, and Göran Frank, Aerosol Science and Technology 35, 815 - 823 (2001).

Article: Methods to measure and predict the transfer function size dependence of individual DMAs, Martin N.A. Karlsson and Bengt G. Martinsson, Journal of Aerosol Science 34, 603 - 625 (2003).

Article: Size- and composition controlled Au-Ga alloy aerosol nanoparticles, Martin N.A. Karlsson, Knut Deppert, Lisa S. Karlsson, Martin H. Magnusson and Jan-Olle Malm, Submitted to Aerosol Science and Technology.

Article: Experimental evidence for non-uniform flow in a horizontal evaporation/condensation aerosol generator, Ted A. Damour, Sheryl H. Ehrman, Martin N.A. Karlsson, Lisa S. Karlsson, and Knut Deppert, Manuscript intended for Aerosol Science and Technology.

Article: Size-controlled nanoparticles by thermal cracking of iron pentacarbonyl, Martin N.A. Karlsson, Knut Deppert, Brent A. Wacaser, Lisa S. Karlsson, and Jan-Olle Malm, Manuscript submitted to Applied Physics A.

Article: Material related sintering behavior of nanoparticles: an evaluation of experimental data, Martin N.A. Karlsson, Knut Deppert, Lisa S. Karlsson, Martin H. Magnusson, Jan-Olle Malm, and N.S. Srinivasan, Manuscript submitted to Journal of Nanoparticle Research.

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Condensed Matter Physics

Free keywords

  • differential mobility analyzer (DMA)
  • transfer function
  • binary alloy nanoparticles
  • nanoparticle generator
  • thermal decomposition
  • Physics
  • sintering
  • Fysik
  • size selection
  • nanoparticles
  • aerosol technology
  • Fysicumarkivet A:2004:Karlsson


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