Multi-Level Perspectives on Anti-Corruption: A Systematic Literature Review

Måns Svensson, Thomas Labik Amanquandor, Andreas Mattsson

Research output: Working paper/PreprintWorking paper


This systematic literature review investigates the extent towhich recent anti-corruption literature goes beyond the established paradigms (i.e., principal-agent perspective,macro-level, structural, and legal centralistic approaches) to focus on society’s informal norms, everyday micro-le-vel power relations and non-monetary currencies (e.g.respect, prestige, social status and trust). By reconceptu-alising the various meanings and morality of informal, non-legal practices and transactions in the frame of the ’multi-level orders of corruption’ perspective, the paper also assesses the extent to which the current canon fo-cuses on the complex articulation and interdependencies between (1) global, transnational anti-corruption laws, in-itiatives, discourses, and institutions, (2) national/central level initiatives, policies, and laws, and (3) local, micro-le-vel social norms and practices. Based on one-hundred and three systematically gathered peer-reviewed journal artic-les published between 2015 and 2020, we found that most studies conducted within this period focus on anti-cor-ruption at the national level and mostly employ analyti-cal and quantitative methods. However, the local level received scant attention, and qualitative methods were employed in a few studies. Also, even though a significant number of studies focus on anti-corruption at multiple levels, these are mostly either the global-national level ornational-local level. None of the articles gathered for this review studies anti-corruption in a complete multi-level approach that explores the global-national-local level. Lastly, we found that most of the studies across the levels are shaped by the principal-agent perspective and indicate a predominance of the perspective within anti-corruption policy and practice across the world. Consequently, irre-spective of the entity of focus (i.e., country or institution), method (quantitative, qualitative, analytical or experimen-tal) or level of analysis (i.e., global, national, or local ormulti-level), most of the studies attribute the ineffective-ness of anti-corruption interventions to the inability of ”principals” to be principled, and hence call for increased sanctioning, supervision, monitoring and political com-mitment towards combatting corruption. Thus, there is the need for more qualitative anti-corruption studies at the local level and alternative theoretical perspectives thatgo beyond the afore mentioned established paradigms.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationVisby
PublisherSwedish International Centre for Local Democracy, ICLD
Number of pages24
ISBN (Electronic)978-91-86725-48-8
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Publication series

NameICLD Working Papers

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Law and Society

Free keywords

  • Vietnam
  • Corruption
  • Social Norms
  • Sociology of Law
  • Child Rights
  • Schools
  • anti-corruption
  • multi-level governance
  • literature Review


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