On Multilink Shadowing Effects in Measured V2V Channels on Highway

Mikael Nilsson, Dimitrios Vlastaras, Taimoor Abbas, Björn Bergqvist, Fredrik Tufvesson

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper, not in proceedingpeer-review

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Shadowing from vehicles can degrade the performance
of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems significantly.
It is thus important to characterize and model the
influence of common shadowing objects like cars properly. For
multilink systems it is essential to model the joint effects on the
different links. However, the multilink shadowing effects in V2V
channels are not yet well understood. In this paper we present
a measurement based analysis of multilink shadowing effects in
V2V communication systems with cars as blocking objects. In
particular we analyze and characterize the joint large scale fading
process for multilink communication at 5.9 GHz between four
cars in a highway scenario. From our analysis it is found that
the coherence time of the large scale fading process for different
links can vary from a few seconds to minutes. The results show
that it is essential to consider the correlation of the large scale
fading processes as the correlation coefficients can have both large
negative and large positive values. There is also a clear indication
that multihop techniques provide an efficient way to overcome
the issue with shadowed cars in V2V systems.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event9th European Conference on antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2015 - Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 2015 Apr 122015 Apr 17
Conference number: 9


Conference9th European Conference on antennas and Propagation (EuCAP), 2015
Abbreviated titleEuCAP 2015
Internet address

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering

Free keywords

  • correlation
  • diversity
  • multiple links
  • obstruction
  • large scale fading
  • Vehicle-to-Vehicle
  • shadow fading
  • channel modeling


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