Polarization measurements in neutral pion photoproduction

K Wijesooriya, A Afanasev, M Amarian, K Aniol, S Becher, K Benslama, L Bimbot, P Bosted, EJ Brash, J Calarco, Z Chai, CC Chang, T Chang, JP Chen, S Choi, E Chudakov, S Churchwell, D Crovelli, S Dieterich, S DumalskiD Dutta, M Epstein, Kevin Fissum, B Fox, S Frullani, H Gao, J Gao, F Garibaldi, O Gayou, R Gilman, A Glamazdin, C Glashausser, J Gomez, V Gorbenko, O Hansen, RJ Holt, J Hovdebo, GM Huber, CW de Jager, X Jiang, C Jones, MK Jones, J Kelly, E Kinney, E Kooijman, G Kumbartzki, M Kuss, J LeRose, M Liang, R Lindgren, N Liyanage, S Malov, DJ Margaziotis, P Markowitz, K McCormick, D Meekins, ZE Meziani, R Michaels, J Mitchell, L Morand, CF Perdrisat, R Pomatsalyuk, V Punjabi, RD Ransome, R Roche, M Rvachev, A Saha, A Sarty, EC Schulte, D Simon, S Strauch, R Suleiman, L Todor, PE Ulmer, GM Urciuoli, B Wojtsekhowski, F Xiong, W Xu

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    We present measurements of the recoil proton polarization for the H-1((γ) over right arrow,(p) over right arrow)pi(0) reaction for theta(c.m.)(pi) = 60degrees-135degrees and for photon energies up to 4.1 GeV. These are the first data in this reaction for polarization transfer with circularly polarized photons. Various theoretical models are compared with the results. No evidence for hadron helicity conservation is observed. Models that employ factorization are not favored. It appears from the strong angular dependence of the induced polarization at photon energies of 2.5 and 3.1 GeV that a relatively high spin resonance or background amplitude might exist in this energy region.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPhysical Review C (Nuclear Physics)
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2002

    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Subatomic Physics


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