Postprandial Glycemia, Insulinemia, and Satiety Responses in Healthy Subjects after Whole Grain Rye Bread Made from Different Rye Varieties. 2

Liza Rosén, Elin Östman, Inger Björck

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Rye breads made from commercial rye blends lower the postprandial insulin demand and appear to facilitate glucose regulation. However, differences in metabolic responses may occur between rye varieties. In the present work, five rye varieties (Amilo, Evolo, Kaskelott, Picasso. and Vicello) and a commercial blend of rye grown in Sweden were investigated with regard to their postprandial insulin, glucose, and appetite regulation properties in a randomized crossover study in 20 healthy subjects. The rye flours were baked into whole grain breads, and a white wheat bread (WWB) was used as reference (50 g of available starch). Picasso and Vicello rye bread showed lower glycemic indices (GIs) compared with WWB (80 and 79, respectively) (P < .0.05). In addition to the GI, two measures of the glycemic profile (GP and GP(2)) were calculated by dividing the incremental duration of the plasma glucose curve with the incremental glucose peak and squared incremental glucose peak, respectively. Vicello and Picasso ryes were characterized by a higher GP(2) than that of the WWB, suggesting a better regulated course of glycemia. Rye bread made from not only Vi cello and Picasso but also Amilo and Kaskelott displayed significantly lower insulin indices (Us) than WWB (74-82). A hi h GP and GP(2). and a low GI were related to a lower II and insulin incremental peak. A high content of insoluble fibers and a high GP were related to a higher subjective satiety in the early and late postprandial phase (tAUC 0-60 mm and tAUC 120-180 mm, respectively). The results suggest that there may be differences in the course of glycemia following different rye varieties, affecting postprandial insulin responses and subjective satiety.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12149-12154
JournalJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry
Issue number22
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Bibliographical note

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Applied Nutrition and Food Chemistry (011001300)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Agricultural Science, Forestry and Fisheries

Free keywords

  • rye
  • whole grain
  • diabetes
  • dietary fiber
  • insulin
  • glucose


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    Adlercreutz, P. (PI), Ahrén, I. L. (PI), Ahrné, S. (Researcher), Alhamimi, S. (Research student), Andersson, K. E. (Researcher), Andersson, K. E. (Research student), Månberger, A. (Researcher), Axling, U. (Researcher), Axling, U. (Research student), Bergenståhl, B. (Researcher), Berger, K. (PI), Björck, I. (PI), Bränning, C. (Research student), Bäckhed, F. (PI), Zanzer, Y. C. (Research student), Danielsson, A. (PI), Danielsson, B. (Research assistant), Degerman, E. (PI), Dejmek, P. (Researcher), Dey, E. (PI), Dougkas, A. (Researcher), Ekström, L. (Research student), Eliasson, A.-C. (PI), Fahlgren, C. (Research engineer), Falck, P. (PI), Falck, P. (Research student), Ghaffarzadegan, T. (Research student), Granfeldt, Y. (Researcher), Grey, C. (Researcher), Gunnerud, U. (Research student), Håkansson, Å. (Researcher), Håkansson, Å. (Research student), Hållenius, F. (Researcher), Hållenius, F. (PI), Haskå, L. (PI), Haskå, L. (Research student), Heimann, E. (Research student), Hellstrand, P. (Researcher), Heyman, L. (Research student), Holm Wallenberg, C. (PI), Holmén-Pålbrink, A.-K. (Research assistant), Holst, O. (Researcher), Immerstrand, T. (Research student), Immerzeel, P. (Researcher), Jakobsdottir, G. (Research student), Jeppsson, B. (Researcher), Johansson, E. (Research student), Johansson, M. (Project coordinator), Johansson, M. (Researcher), Johansson, M. (Research assistant), Johansson, U. (Researcher), Jones, H. (Researcher), Nordberg Karlsson, E. (Researcher), Kovatcheva-Datchary, P. (Researcher), Kulcinskaja, E. (Research student), Landin-Olsson, M. (Researcher), Linninge, C. (Researcher), Marefati, A. (Research student), Marungruang, N. (Research student), Molin, G. (PI), Nilsson, A. (PI), Nilsson, E. (Research engineer), Nilsson, U. (PI), Nyman, M. (PI), Ohlson, E. (Research assistant), Olsson, C. (Researcher), Öste, R. (PI), Östman, E. (PI), Persson, L. (Research engineer), Persson, S. (Researcher), Plaza, M. (Researcher), Prykhodko, O. (Researcher), Radeborg, K. (Researcher), Rayner, M. (PI), Rosén, L. (Research student), Sandahl, M. (Researcher), Sandberg, J. (Research student), Sjöö, M. (PI), Skog, K. (Researcher), Spégel, P. (PI), Stålbrand, H. (Researcher), Sterner, O. (PI), Svensson, J. (Research student), Tareke, E. (PI), Tovar, J. (PI), Turner, C. (PI), Weström, B. (Researcher), Xu, J. (Research student) & Zhong, Y. (Research student)


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