Potential Rebound Effects of 1.5° Lifestyles

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingPaper in conference proceeding

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Understanding how lifestyles should and could change to meet the terms of the Paris Agreement is the aim of the project ‘EU 1.5° Lifestyles’. It focuses on lifestyle options compatible with a 1.5°C target and explores the structural barriers and enablers to implementing these. Many of these lifestyle options relate to circular strategies such as sharing, reusing and repairing products.However, even if lifestyle changes are achieved, there is a risk of rebound and negative side effects that can undermine the intended outcomes. While rebound effects have been studied, particularly regarding energy and economic mechanisms, less attention was paid to other environmental effects and social mechanisms. A systematic literature review was conducted for rebound effects of sustainable lifestyles more generally and more specifically in the consumption domains: nutrition,housing, mobility, and leisure. This contribution maps the potential rebound effects of lifestyle changes and the different mechanisms by which these effects occur. It gives an overview of the literature on rebound effects related to sustainable lifestyle strategies for households. The results indicate some domain areas are more studied than others, but also a gap in understanding rebound effects empirically and holistically.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProduct Lifetimes and the Environment 5th Conference Proceedings
ISBN (Electronic)978-952-64-1367-9
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Event5th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE) - Espoo, Finland
Duration: 2023 May 312023 Jun 2


Conference5th Conference on Product Lifetimes and the Environment (PLATE)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Social Sciences Interdisciplinary

Free keywords

  • rebound effect
  • sustainable consumption


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