Present status and future aspects of nuclear structure close to Sn-100 - The OSIRIS, NORDBALL-PEX and EUROBALL collaborations

H Grawe, M Gorska, M Lipoglavsek, R Schubart, A Atac, A Axelsson, J Blomqvist, Joakim Cederkäll, G deAngelis, M dePoli, C Fahlander, A Johnson, KH Maier, LO Norlin, J Nyberg, D Foltescu, M Palacz, J Persson, M Rejmund, HA RothT Shizuma, O Skeppstedt, G Sletten, M Weiszflog

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The present status of experimental approach to Sn-100 in the spectroscopy of excited states is landmarked by the T-z = 3/2 nuclei between (95)pd and In-101 and the T-z = 1 nuclei Pd-94 and Cd-98. The detection limits with Pre-EUROBALL gamma-arrays and ancillary detectors are below the 10(-5) level of the total fusion- evaporation residue cross section. A large scale shell model analysis of the existing data reveals the shell structure at Sn-100, which shows a remarkable similarity to Ni-56. Evidence for an increasing proton-neutron interaction in approaching the N = Z line is deduced from high spin isomers and spherical yrast lines. The effective E2 operator for protons and neutrons and implications for a low lying particle-hole (ph) E2 excitation in Sn-100 are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-190
JournalZeitschrift für Physik A Hadrons and Nuclei
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1997
Externally publishedYes

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Subatomic Physics


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