Programkoordinatorn som interface : Om att odla kvalitet och praktikgemenskap vid universitetet

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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This report discusses the role of the program coordinator in a faculty where the organisation of connected and integrated courses in bachelor programmes is a fairly new phenomenon. In the Faculties of Humanities and Theology at Lund University there has been a strong tradition to design an individual bachelor exam by combining independent courses. During the last ten years an increasing number of fixed programmes have been created to meet the demands from students as well as from the labour market. New programmes must undergo a thorough validation process to guarantee that they can live up to the quality expected from an education program at Lund University, but quality practices for existing bachelor programmes are still to be developed.
In all the examples studied in this report the program coordinator can be seen as a grass root leader, a person with a vision who came up with an idea, and who later was given responsibility to develop, improve and lead the program. The main purpose of the project was to understand how the programmes and the coordinators fit into the organisation: and the main areas for interest are practices for quality work and the latitude given to the coordinators.
In this report accounts are given for interviews made with program coordinators, education managers, head of departments and officials from the Department for Quality and Evaluation. The project takes an explorative ethnographic perspective.
The main results of the project point at the importance of integrating quality work in the organisation of the faculty, specifically designed for the bachelor programmes and their needs. Another outcome of the project is that all the program coordinators feel a need for a network where coordinators and other faculty members working with the program can meet on a regular basis and discuss issues concerning integrated and connected education programmes aimed at the labour market.
Original languageSwedish
Publisher[Publisher information missing]
Number of pages24
Publication statusUnpublished - 2015

Bibliographical note

The information about affiliations in this record was updated in December 2015.
The record was previously connected to the following departments: Swedish (015011001)

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Pedagogical Work
  • Other Humanities not elsewhere specified

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