Rügen : a Forgotten Fief of the Danish Kings c. 1168–1325. Preter Rugiam et Terras ei Attinentes

Kerstin Hundahl

Research output: ThesisLicentiate Thesis


The principality of Rügen was a fief under the Danish kings for nearly 200 years. In that time its princes provided valuable assistance in the form of primarily military service. This thesis tells the story of the forgotten principality and how its princes helped shape many of the most important events in Danish medieval history. From the conquest of Estonia, the civil wars of the 1240-60 and the attacks of the pirate Marsk Stig. The thesis also proposes new interpretations and implications the study of the Rügish principality has to Danish history.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • History
  • Hybel, Nils, Supervisor, External person
Publication statusPublished - 2011

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • History

Free keywords

  • Rügen
  • Denmark
  • Medieval
  • Principality
  • Wendic
  • Wends
  • War
  • Scandinavia
  • Baltic
  • Kings
  • Valdemar
  • Fief


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