Relationship between moth (night active Lepidoptera) diversity and vegetation characteristics in southern Sweden

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The diversity and community composition of moths (both macro- and micromoths) at 32 sites, representing a wide range of habitat types (forests, grasslands, wetlands, agricultural and urban areas) within a restricted region in central Scania,
    southern-most Sweden, was investigated by use of light moth traps and compared with vascular plant species richness and habitat characteristics. The results revealed a highly significant general association between vegetation composition and the
    composition of the moth community and multivariate (CCA) analyses indicated light availability and soil fertility parameters (pH and macronutrients) to be the habitat characteristics that best correlated with moth community composition. Less strong,
    but still significant, positive relationships between moth abundance and local vascular plant diversity were also revealed. Moth species richness was positively correlated with diversity of woody plant genera in the neighborhood, but not with local
    vascular plant diversity in general. As for more general site characteristics, there were tendencies for higher moth richnessand abundance at sites with more productive soils (well-drained, high pH, high nutrient availability), while shading/tree canopy cover, management, soil disturbance regimes and nectar production appeared unrelated to moth community parameters. It is concluded that local moth assemblages are strongly influenced by site characteristics and vegetation composition. Implications for insect conservation: The results show that obtaining moth data on a local scale is useful for conservation planning and does not need to be very cumbersome. Local moth assemblages monitored are indeed related to local site characteristics of conservation relevance.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Insect Conservation
    Publication statusPublished - 2020 Oct 6

    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Ecology

    Free keywords

    • Conservation, Macrolepidoptera, Microlepidoptera, Light trap, Species diversity, Vegetation


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