Reproducing kernels and potential theory for the Bergman spaces

Yolanda Perdomo Gallipoli

Research output: ThesisDoctoral Thesis (compilation)


The role of weighted biharmonic Green functions in weighted Bergman spaces was first studied in the beginning of the 50's by Paul Garabedian. In 1951 he showed that they are closely related to reproducing kernel functions of weighted Bergman spaces. Half a century later, the properties of biharmonic functions turned out to be crucial to the factorization theory of Bergman spaces on the unit disk.

This thesis consists of a summary and three chapters, each one a self-contained article, in which we present some results in weighted Bergman spaces based in the properties of a weighted biharmonic Green function. In Chapter 1, we present the article "Mean value surfaces with prescribe curvature form" , J. Math. Pures Appl. 83 (2004), 1075-1107, by H. Hedenmalm and Y. Perdomo. Chapter 2 is the preprint "A Riesz representation formula for weighted super-biharmonic functions", (2005), also by H. Hedenmalm and Y. Perdomo. And Chapter 3 constitutes the preprint "A monotonicity property of a weighted biharmonic Green function", (2005), by Y. Perdomo.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Centre for Mathematical Sciences
  • Hedenmalm, Håkan, Supervisor
Award date2005 May 25
ISBN (Print)91-628-6498-X
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Bibliographical note

Defence details

Date: 2005-05-25
Time: 10:30
Place: Sal C, Matematikcentrum Sölvegatan 18, Lund

External reviewer(s)

Name: Sundberg, Carl
Title: Proffesor
Affiliation: University of Tennessee


Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Mathematics

Free keywords

  • weighted biharmonic Green function Gaussian curvature
  • Naturvetenskap
  • harmonic compensator
  • Natural science
  • weighted super-biharmonic function
  • potential metric
  • mean value property
  • weighted Bergman kernel


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