Response of a Li-glass/multi-anode photomultiplier detector to collimated thermal-neutron beams

E. Rofors, N. Mauritzson, H. Perrey, R. Al Jebali, J. R.M. Annand, L. Boyd, M. J. Christensen, U. Clemens, S. Desert, R. Engels, K. G. Fissum, H. Frielinghaus, C. Gheorghe, R. Hall-Wilton, S. Jaksch, K. Kanaki, S. Kazi, G. Kemmerling, I. Llamas Jansa, V. MaulerovaR. Montgomery, T. Richter, J. Scherzinger, B. Seitz, M. Shetty

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The response of a position-sensitive Li-glass scintillator detector being developed for thermal-neutron detection with 6 mm position resolution has been investigated using collimated beams of thermal neutrons. The detector was moved perpendicularly through the neutron beams in 0.5 to 1.0 mm horizontal and vertical steps. Scintillation was detected in an 8 × 8 pixel multi-anode photomultiplier tube on an event-by-event basis. In general, several pixels registered large signals at each neutron-beam location. The number of pixels registering signal above a set threshold was investigated, with the maximization of the single-hit efficiency over the largest possible area of the detector as the primary goal. At a threshold of ∼50% of the mean of the full-deposition peak, ∼80% of the events were registered in a single pixel, resulting in an effective position resolution of ∼5 mm in X and Y. Lower thresholds generally resulted in events demonstrating higher pixel multiplicities, but these events could also be localized with ∼5 mm position resolution.

    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation

    Free keywords

    • European spallation source
    • GS20 scintillator
    • H12700A multi-anode photomultiplier
    • Li-glass
    • Neutrons
    • Position-dependent response
    • SoNDe thermal-neutron detector


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