Search for bottom-squark pair production with the ATLAS detector in final states containing Higgs bosons, b-jets and missing transverse momentum

ATLAS Collaboration, G Aad, Torsten Åkesson, Simona Bocchetta, Lene Bryngemark, Eric Edward Corrigan, Caterina Doglioni, Kristian Gregersen, Eva Brottmann Hansen, Vincent Hedberg, Göran Jarlskog, Charles Kalderon, Edgar Kellermann, Balazs Konya, Else Lytken, Katja Mankinen, Caterina Marcon, Ulf Mjörnmark, Geoffrey André Adrien Mullier, Ruth PöttgenTrine Poulsen, Eleni Skorda, Oxana Smirnova, L Zwalinski

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The result of a search for the pair production of the lightest supersymmetric partner of the bottom quark (b˜ 1) using 139 fb−1 of proton-proton data collected at s = 13 TeV by the ATLAS detector is reported. In the supersymmetric scenarios considered both of the bottom-squarks decay into a b-quark and the second-lightest neutralino, b˜1→b+χ˜20. Each χ˜20 is assumed to subsequently decay with 100% branching ratio into a Higgs boson (h) like the one in the Standard Model and the lightest neutralino: χ˜20→h+χ˜10. The χ˜10 is assumed to be the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) and is stable. Two signal mass configurations are targeted: the first has a constant LSP mass of 60 GeV; and the second has a constant mass difference between the χ˜20 and χ˜10 of 130 GeV. The final states considered contain no charged leptons, three or more b-jets, and large missing transverse momentum. No significant excess of events over the Standard Model background expectation is observed in any of the signal regions considered. Limits at the 95% confidence level are placed in the supersymmetric models considered, and bottom-squarks with mass up to 1.5 TeV are excluded. [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2019, The Author(s).
Original languageEnglish
Article number60
JournalJournal of High Energy Physics
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2019

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Subatomic Physics

Free keywords

  • Hadron-Hadron scattering (experiments)
  • Supersymmetry


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