Shape Coexistence in the Neutron-Deficient Even-Even Hg182-188 Isotopes Studied via Coulomb Excitation.

N Bree, K Wrzosek-Lipska, A Petts, A Andreyev, B Bastin, M Bender, A Blazhev, B Bruyneel, P A Butler, J Butterworth, M P Carpenter, Joakim Cederkäll, E Clément, T E Cocolios, A Deacon, J Diriken, Andreas Ekström, C Fitzpatrick, L M Fraile, Ch FransenS J Freeman, L P Gaffney, J E García-Ramos, K Geibel, R Gernhäuser, T Grahn, M Guttormsen, B Hadinia, K Hadyńska-Kle K, M Hass, P-H Heenen, R-D Herzberg, H Hess, K Heyde, M Huyse, O Ivanov, D G Jenkins, R Julin, N Kesteloot, Th Kröll, R Krücken, A C Larsen, R Lutter, P Marley, P J Napiorkowski, R Orlandi, R D Page, J Pakarinen, N Patronis, P J Peura, E Piselli, P Rahkila, E Rapisarda, P Reiter, A P Robinson, M Scheck, S Siem, K Singh Chakkal, J F Smith, J Srebrny, I Stefanescu, G M Tveten, P Van Duppen, J Van de Walle, D Voulot, N Warr, F Wenander, A Wiens, J L Wood, M Zielińska

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