title = "Spectroscopic Studies of the Elements Ba, Fe, Ga, In and Ru",
abstract = "New measurements of the elements Ba, Fe, Ga, In and Ru are reported. The analysis of barium contains new wavelengths, improved energy level values and new values of the ionization limit in both Ba I and Ba II. Oscillator strengths and radiative lifetimes in Fe II, as a part of the FERRUM project, are reported. The gallium analysis includes new wavelengths, ab initio calculated oscillator strengths and a study of line profiles that resulted in hyperfine constants A for a number of levels in Ga I and Ga II. The analysis on Ru II contains new and improved energy level values and new wavelengths. The work on indium reports new wavelengths, energy level values, and hfs constants A and B for both In I and In II. All measurements were done with the Fourier transform spectrometer at the Atomic Astrophysics Division in Lund.",
keywords = "Fourier transform spectroscopy, branching fractions, oscillator strengths, term analysis, hyperfine structure, barium, gallium, iron, indium, Condensed matter:electronic structure, ruthenium., magnetic and optical properties, electrical, spectroscopy, relaxation, magnetic resonance, supraconductors, egenskaper (elektriska, Kondenserade materiens egenskaper:elektronstruktur, magnetiska och optiska), supraledare, magnetisk resonans, spektroskopi, Astronomy, space research, cosmic chemistry, Astronomi, rymdvetenskap, kosmisk kemi, Fysicumarkivet A:2002:Karlsson",
author = "Hans Karlsson",
note = "Defence details Date: 2002-05-25 Time: 10:15 Place: Lundmarkssalen, Lund Observatory External reviewer(s) Name: Thorne, Anne Title: Dr Affiliation: Imperial College, UK ---",
year = "2002",
language = "English",
isbn = "91-628-5206-x",
publisher = "Lund Observatory, Lund University",
type = "Doctoral Thesis (compilation)",