title = "Tachykinins and Micturition Control in the Rat",
abstract = "Tachykinins have been implied as mediators and/or modulators of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferents. It is known that tachykinins are released from central endings of capsaicin-sensitive primary afferent neurons in the rat and cat spinal cords, and that the capsaicin-sensitive bladder afferents are involved in regulating the micturition reflex in the rat. The general aim of the present studies was to investigate the role of tachykinin in the neuronal regulation of micturition of rats by using continuous cystometry with intrathecal, intraarterial or intravesical administration of drugs in conscious, normal rats and rats with outlet obstruction. Bladder tachykinins do not seem to be involved in the micturition reflex associated with filling of the bladder, but tachykinins, released from capsaicin-sensitive nerves by intravesical capsaicin may lower the threshold for initiation of the micturition reflex through stimulation of neurokinin (NK)2 receptors. Tachykinins may initiate micturition in the normal rat by stimulating tachykinin receptors of the smooth muscle of the detrusor. At the spinal level, tackykinins (via NK1 receptors) may be involved in the micturition reflex induced by bladder filling, both in normal rats, and more clearly, in animals with bladder hypertrophy. The bladder hyperactivity evoked by intravesical capsaicin in normal rats seems to involve NK2 receptors. Tachykinins play a role for the supraspinal pathways that control the sacral parasympathetic center innervating the urinary bladder. When given intravesically, prostaglandin E2 may stimulate release of tachykinins from nerves in and/or immediately below the urothelium. These tachykinins, in turn, initiate a micturition reflex by stimulating tachykinin receptors. There may be differences in sensitivity to intravesical resiniferatoxin between normal and hypertrophic bladders, and differences in mode of desensitization action between resiniferatoxin and capsaicin in normal bladders.",
keywords = "nephrology, Urology, urethral obstruction, tachykinins, neurokinin2-receptors, meurokinin1-receptors, rat, levodopa, dinoprosterone, cystometry, bladder, capsaicin, Urologi, nefrologi, Physiology, Fysiologi",
author = "Osamu Ishizuka",
note = "Defence details Date: 1996-05-13 Time: 13:00 Place: Lecture hall 3, C-block, Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden External reviewer(s) Name: Steers, William D. Title: Professor Affiliation: Department of Urology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA ---",
year = "1996",
language = "English",
isbn = "91-628-2076-1",
publisher = "Osamu Ishizuka, Department of Urology, Lund University Hospital, S-221 85 Lund Sweden,",
type = "Doctoral Thesis (compilation)",
school = "Urology",