The European spallation source and future opportunities for materials science

Oliver Kirstein

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingPaper in conference proceedingpeer-review


    The European Spallation Source is Europe's next generation high-power neutron source utilising a linear accelerator and a rotating tungsten target to produce neutrons that will be used for fundamental research and industrial applications. The facility is co-hosted by the states of Denmark and Sweden, and while the main site will be placed in Lund, Sweden, the Data Management and Software Centre will be located in Copenhagen, Denmark. The facility will cover a broad range of scientific applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, or life sciences. A focus will also be materials science and engineering, and dedicated instruments will gradually become available to the user community once neutrons will be produced neutrons from 2019 onwards.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationState-of-the-Art Developments in Materials Characterization
    PublisherMaterials Research Society
    Number of pages12
    ISBN (Electronic)9781605117317
    Publication statusPublished - 2015 Feb 1
    Event2014 MRS Fall Meeting - Boston, United States
    Duration: 2014 Nov 302014 Dec 5


    Conference2014 MRS Fall Meeting
    Country/TerritoryUnited States

    Subject classification (UKÄ)

    • Accelerator Physics and Instrumentation


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