title = "The Shadow Economy and the Street World as a Migration Arena",
abstract = "According to the 2021 Rule of Law Index, one of the leading global indicators on the rule of law published annually by the World Justice Project, Russia and Turkey ranked 101st and 117th, respectively, among 139 countries (WJP. Rule of Law Index 2021 [online]. https://worldjusticeproject.org/our-work/research-and-data/wjp-rule-law-index-2021, 2021). The low positions of these two countries in the Rule of Law Index is unsurprising given that both Russia and Turkey are non-democracies where law enforcement remains arbitrary, corruption and shadow economic transactions proliferate, civil society{\textquoteright}s capacity is constrained by legal and administrative restrictions and respect for and observance of human rights is poor.",
author = "Rustamjon Urinboyev and Sherzod Eraliev",
year = "2022",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-030-99256-9_6",
language = "English",
series = "International Political Economy Series",
publisher = "Palgrave Macmillan",
pages = "145--180",
booktitle = "The Political Economy of Non-Western Migration Regimes",
address = "United Kingdom",