Christina Gummesson, Pia Lindberg, Nina Lundegren

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


For implementation of new assessment strategies, an evidence-informed approach is desired. Thus, the assessment method
should be supported by current evidence, and similarly the implementation process could be informed through research.
Implementation research can be done using various approaches and research methods. However, it seems that interview
studies are an important source of information.
To utilize previous qualitative information, one may simply read the papers to be informed by each individual study. However,
another approach may be to search the literature systematically and analyse the qualitative information as a data source.
Several ways of conducting literature reviews are available, but it seems that the analysis of qualitative studies is less
In this presentation we would like to present how meta-ethnography can be used as a method to develop knowledge on the
implementation of e-portfolio.
Summary of work
Meta-ethnography is a systematic literature review through seven steps described by Noblit and Hare (1988), and further
elaborated on by Britten et al (2002) and France et al (2019), in brief consisting of a systematic review, a stepwise qualitative
analysis and synthesis.
Four different databases were used for our literature search.
Summary of results
Through the seven steps, we analyzed the data both from “first order information” (published quotations) and “second order
information” (researchers’ interpretation, analysis, and discussion) to reach a “third order interpretation” (our synthesis).
We will present the steps and our findings, using our search on implementation of e-portfolio in dental education as a model.
Our analysis and synthesis yielded two main themes and five sub-themes with aspects important to consider when
implementing e-portfolio.
Discussion, Conclusion & Take-Home Message
We found meta-ethnography to broaden our knowledgebase beyond each separate study and believe it could add to the
understanding of other aspects of assessment as well, in areas where primary studies are using qualitative methods.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2022
Externally publishedYes
EventAnnual European Conference on Assessment in Medical Education - Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 2022 Nov 102022 Nov 12


ConferenceAnnual European Conference on Assessment in Medical Education
Abbreviated titleEBMA 2022


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