Tracing KEGR

Research output: Non-textual formArtistic work


As a researcher, I have spent countless hours hunting for tags. Recently, I started thinking about ways to represent not just my physical search, but also the thought process taking place alongside the visible bodily activities: remembering – for example – the style, medium, size and placement of previous tags of interest in order to better spot similar tags and their likely locations.

This video illustrates a search for tags by the Danish graffiti writer KEGR at the outskirts of Malmö, Sweden. In addition, through overlays it attempts to communicate to the viewer the process of recollecting previously-found tags by this writer in Malmö, as well as other tags and phrasings I have seen in conjunction with KEGR’s tag, either in person, in printed publications or in social media posts. The video is part of a larger research project on graffiti and visual research methods.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationYouTube
Media of outputFilm
Size26:14 minutes
Publication statusPublished - 2019 Jul 16

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Visual Arts

Free keywords

  • tracingkegr
  • kegr
  • graffiti
  • graffiti writing
  • street art studies
  • graffiti studies
  • method
  • methodology
  • research methods


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