Training opportunities report

Åsa Ek, Henk van Dijk, Rolf Zon

Research output: Book/ReportReportResearch

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The HILAS (Human Integration in the Life-cycle of Aviation Systems) project is a large, integrated European project which aims to improve safety in the civil air transport sector through the integration of human factors across the life-cycle, while simultaneously generating improved operational efficiencies. The Knowledge Integration strand plays an active role in ensuring that integration takes place across the HILAS project. It initiates activities such as integration workshops, newsletters, HUFAG, dissemination events and lecture series to ensure effective communications both within and external to the consortium.
The current report represents a deliverable associated with the dissemination, training and knowledge support activities of the KI strand (WP1.2); more specifically deliverable D1.2.9: Training Opportunities Report. The objective of this deliverable is to identify the training opportunities from HILAS consortium outputs.
Several methods are used to identify the training development opportunities arising from HILAS outputs: first, the evaluation of the lecture series 2007; then, the evaluation of WP1.3 deliverables D1.3.1 – 1.3.6; and finally, the interaction with the different HILAS strands (through questionnaires). Together, these complementing evaluations should result in the identification of interesting and relevant training development opportunities arising from HILAS consortium outputs. The evaluation of the lecture series 2007 was described in chapter 3. Results of this evaluation showed that participants were moderately interested in receiving training in the use of the specific tools and/or measures, especially concerning eye tracking and CRIA. Nonetheless, participants appreciated being briefed about the tools and/or measures through the lecture series. The tools and/or measures presented were believed to be useful, relevant and important for the HILAS project, especially with regard to the psychophysiological measures and Pamela.
The competence requirements evaluated in WP1.3 deliverables D1.3.1 – 1.3.6 add valuable information to the process of identifying training opportunities. The implementation requirements listed in the deliverables D1.3.1 – D1.3.6 were summarized and, from these, competence/training requirements needed in HILAS organizations were extensively formulated in chapter 4. These competence requirements and the results of the evaluation of the lecture series 2007 together formed the basis for the strand leaders’ questionnaire used for the interaction with the different strands.
Interaction with the strands (described in chapter 5) was necessary to identify the specific training opportunities for the different domains. The questions revealed rather diverse results and therefore, it seems difficult to present an all comprising conclusion with respect to the specific training opportunities. Nevertheless, partners have already provided different interesting and relevant training opportunities to implement. Of course, these opportunities often lie within the expertise of the different partners/strands; i.e. opportunities for training that could be developed from the expertise that exists already in the consortium and that is likely to develop as the project progresses.
The training platforms that are currently available within the possibilities and constraints of the HILAS project are described in chapter 6. These are lectures series, workshops and the Knowledge Management System. These activities can actually be implemented to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies; in other words to train. It is necessary to extent the use of the available training platforms to the outside world. The development of on-line training via KMS2 and the use of tailored courses are two great examples of this. In addition, lecture series and workshops can be (re-)designed for external stakeholders. The dissemination and integration of knowledge – using these training platforms – is vital to the success of HILAS products beyond the project.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTrinity College Dublin
Number of pages61
VolumeHILAS D1.2.9
Publication statusPublished - 2008

Publication series

VolumeHILAS D1.2.9

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics

Free keywords

  • Knowledge integration
  • training opportunities
  • competence requirements


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