Using Real-time Java for Industrial Robot Control

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingPaper in conference proceedingpeer-review


Safe languages like Java provide a much more programmerfriendly environment than the low-level languages in which real-time and embedded software have traditionally been implemented. However, an obstacle for widespread use of Java in control applications has been the predictability and real-time performance of garbage collection, and the cumbersome memory management associated with RTSJ NoHeapRealtimeThreads. The current version of the Sun Java Real-Time System includes a real-time garbage collector, and therefore, it is interesting to examine its feasibility for robot motion control. We have implemented a motion control system, and an application, for an ABB IRB 340 industrial robot entirely in real-time Java, using standard computer hardware, off-the shelf EtherCAT servo drives, and the Sun Java Real-Time System 2.0 on Solaris 10. To our knowledge, this is the first robot control system implemented entirely in Java and executed on a certified virtual machine.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems
EditorsGreg Bollella
PublisherAssociation for Computing Machinery (ACM)
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)978-59593-813-8
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventThe 5th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 2007 Sept 262007 Sept 28


ConferenceThe 5th International Workshop on Java Technologies for Real-time and Embedded Systems

Subject classification (UKÄ)

  • Computer Science

Free keywords

  • Java
  • real-time
  • garbage collection
  • motion control
  • industrial robot


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