Adding SDGs to research – automatic benefits and manual added value

  • Voog, H. (presentatör)
  • Ellen Jokela Måsbäck (presentatör)
  • Karolina Widell (medverkande)

Aktivitet: Föredrag eller presentationPresentation


In order to meet the wishes of Lund University management to showcase and display the work conducted in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the management of Lund's Pure installation has undertaken a project. The direct use of automatic tagging of SDGs turned out to be insufficient, so we devised a number of steps to utilize the data in a controlled manner. This includes a general metadata cleaning procedure for research output, an expert metadata evaluation of the same dataset, and finally, a one-time tagging of persons and organizations.

This talk will guide you through these steps and also delve into some of the discussions we had in order to create value from the SDG tags in our Research portal.
Period2023 okt. 26
Evenemangstitel9th Internatonal Pure Conference
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsDubrovnik, KroatienVisa på karta

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

  • Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap