Advanced municipal wastewater treatment by direct membrane filtration – Pilot scale experiences in Sweden and Norway

  • Lipnizki, F. (presentatör)
  • Alexander Betsholtz (Roll ej angiven)
  • Davidsson, Å. (Roll ej angiven)
  • Federico Micolucci (Roll ej angiven)
  • Cimbritz, M. (Roll ej angiven)
  • Hagman, M. (Roll ej angiven)
  • Simon Gidstedt (Roll ej angiven)
  • Tobias Hey (Roll ej angiven)

Aktivitet: Föredrag eller presentationPresentation


Direct membrane filtration (DMF) is a relatively new concept for municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in contrast to the widely accepted membrane bioreactor (MBR). While the MBR process combines a biological process with membrane filtration, the DMF concept involves abiotic processes. Thus, DMF processes has the potential to be more compact and less energy demanding than MBRs.

This presentation compares the results/experiences from three pilot tests in Norway and Sweden. The test sites were municipal WWTPs in Lund, Svedala (both Sweden) and Fredrikstad (Norway). The pre-treatment in all cases was a combination of coagulation/flocculation and microsieving (100 μm mesh) optimised to the local conditions. All pilot units used 0.2 μm polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) microfiltration (MF) membranes in flat sheet modules (Alfa Laval, Denmark) as reference. However, to investigate the impact of the membrane selection the pilot in Svedala was additionally equipped with a 10 kD hydrophilised polysulphone (PS) ultrafiltration (UF) membrane in parallel to the MF membrane. Even though the UF membrane showed higher retentions than the MF membranes, the permeates from all membranes had similar high qualities. Furthermore, to meet future tightening discharge limits two different post-treatments for DMF permeate were tested: (1) forward osmosis at the Lund WWTP which has a coastal discharge and (2) activated carbon for micropollutant removal at the Svedala WWTP. Both post-treatments demonstrated the opportunity to further improve the permeate quality.

Overall, all three pilot studies demonstrated that the DMF concept can achieve high reductions in suspended solids (SS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and phosphorus, and also has the potential to meet future and stricter discharge demands in combination with suitable post-treatment methods. Since DMF is a compact and low energy demanding wastewater treatment technology it is particularly suitable for upgrading of WWTP in densely populated areas with space limitations.
Period2020 dec. 72020 dec. 11
Evenemangstitel12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsLondon, StorbritannienVisa på karta