AI Lund Online Drop-in: AI related degree projects

Aktivitet: Deltagit i eller arrangerat evenemangOrganiserat av föreläsning/debatt/seminarium för allmänheten


Theme: AI Degree projects

As a complement to the AI Lund Degree Project Fair 10 November we organise an online drop-in* for students on bachelor's or master's level. The drop-in discusses possible AI related degree projects in the social sciences and humanities. Bring your AI related degree project ideas in business, law, humanities and social science etc. Or just listen in.

Researchers give an 5 minute overview of their research or education domain’s connection to AI in plenum.
One breakout room for each supervisor for ideas and Q&A.

Blerim Emruli, Senior lecturer, Department of Informatics
Maria Hedlund, Senior lecturer, Department of Political Science
Stefan Larsson, Associate Professor in Technology and Social Change,
Daniel Møller Ølgaard, Senior lecturer, Department of Political Science
Period2022 dec. 7
Typ av evenemangSeminarium
PlatsLund, SverigeVisa på karta