Analysis of Legislation and Policy Frameworks for ‘Children in Care’ in South Africa and Sweden

Aktivitet: Föredrag eller presentationPresentation


Our research group, with members from Sweden and South Africa, have identified similar challenges in our countries when it comes to children not being heard or respected. Children, especially children who are ‘children of the state’, need to be afforded the opportunity to be listened to and to meaningfully participate in important life decisions. We aim to create an initiative to contribute knowledge and social development strategies for child agency since children's participation in their development and decision-making are crucial. Our objectives are to present and problematise legal frameworks for children in care concerning the children’s opportunities for participation, and also to scrutinise policies as tools for organisations and
professionals when applying the legislation during the process of taking children into care. The other aim is to discuss different theoretical attempts to bridge the gap between the legal content and policies concerning participation and participation in practice as illustrated by models for participation such as Hart’s, Shier’s and Lundy’s. Based on the findings of the analyses, the challenges of legislation and policy to support the practice in action and to strengthen the voice of the children will be addressed in the presentation.
Period2024 juli 23
EvenemangstitelIALMH XXXVIIIth Congress
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsBarcelona, SpanienVisa på karta

Ämnesklassifikation (UKÄ)

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